California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance

Performance Metrics for the California Sustainable Winegrowing Program

Performance metrics are the measurable outcomes of business practices.  The calculation and storage of amounts of natural resources consumed and other performance metrics have been and will continue to be incorporated into the California Sustainable Winegrowing Program to complement practice-based assessments and further promote, measure, and communicate continuous improvement.  Knowing and understanding the relationship between vineyard and winery practices and measured outcomes is important for benchmarking and managing performance to optimize business operations, decrease costs, and conserve natural resources.   “You can’t manage what you don’t measure.”

Performance Metrics and the California Sustainable Winegrowing Program

If you have an SWP account, click the login button to access your vineyards and/or winery to begin calculating metrics for energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, water use and nitrogen use. If not, sign up for a free SWP user account today.

Energy + Greenhouse Gases

Energy use is a key factor affecting the winery and vineyard greenhouse gas footprint (often termed carbon footprint) of vineyards and wineries.  Calculate your operation’s energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, and learn how to reduce both.


Water use efficiency and conservation is critical to California businesses.  Calculate water used by your operation and determine cost-effective practices for conserving this vital resource.


Applying the right amount of nutrients is essential to achieve yield targets, minimize environmental risks, and control costs.  Calculate and track the nitrogen applied to your vineyard and determine how to improve nitrogen use efficiency.

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